

理雅各牧師(Rev. James Legge,1815-1897)翻譯的中國經典是多年來西方認識中國文化的媒介,留名歷史。關於他的生平事跡,頗為引人注目的是他出任首位牛津大學漢學教授的20多年教研生涯,以及他豐碩的研究及出版成果。(註1)余英時教授曾強調理雅各在港30年的傳教生活奠下他在中外文化交流歷史上不可或缺的地位。(註2)除了擔任倫敦傳道會(London Missionary Society)香港區會資深宣教士之外,理雅各先後成為英華書院的校長、愉寧堂(Union Chapel;現稱「佑寧堂」Union Church)的主任牧師、帶領三名華人學生覲見英女皇維多利亞(Queen Victoria)的社會領袖、倡議成立中央書院(The Central School)的教育家、香港殖民地政府「官學生計劃」(Cadet Scheme)的非受薪中文導師等。(註3)


倫敦傳道會辦事處(由Eliza Legge繪畫、Prof. Marilyn L. Bowman填色) (圖片提供:Prof. Marilyn L. Bowman、資料來源:H. E. Legge, <I>James Legge, Missionary and Scholar</I> (UK: Religious Tract Society, 1905), p. 79)
倫敦傳道會辦事處(由Eliza Legge繪畫、Prof. Marilyn L. Bowman填色) (圖片提供:Prof. Marilyn L. Bowman、資料來源:H. E. Legge, <I>James Legge, Missionary and Scholar</I> (UK: Religious Tract Society, 1905), p. 79)

註1:研究理雅各的專書, 見N. J. Girardot, The Victorian Translation of China: James Legge’s Oriental Pilgrimage (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002); L. F. Pfister, Striving for ‘the Whole Duty of Man’: James Legge and the Scottish Protestant Encounter with China: Assessing Confluences in Scottish Nonconformism, Chinese Missionary Scholarship, Victorian Sinology, and Chinese Protestantism (2 vols) (New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2004); M. L. Bowman, James Legge and the Chinese Classics: A Brilliant Scot in the Turmoil of Colonial Hong Kong (Victoria, B. C.: Friesen Press, 2016)。2018年1月15日,筆者在《中國期刊全文數據庫》輸入「理雅各」,搜得678篇論文。

註2:1992年10月3日,余英時教授在獲頒香港大學名譽文學博士學位時,以理雅各的生平與成就說明香港對世界歷史的貢獻。他說:“There can be no question that Legge, the missionary, came to Hong Kong primarily for the purpose of preaching the Western Way to the Chinese. But in the end it is the cunning of history that his true immortality lies in his transmitting of the Chinese Way back to the West.”, “The Honorary Graduates’ Speeches, 144th Congregation, 3 October 1992,” The University of Hong Kong Gazette, Vol. 39, No. 3 (23 August 1993):60。

註3:有關理雅各在香港的活動,筆者曾發表一些相關的研究,見〈英華書院(1843-1873)與中西文化交流的歷史意義〉,載《アジア史諸問題:深澤秀男教授退官紀念論文集》(盛岡:岩手大學人文社會學部アジア史研究室,2000),頁23-39;〈十九世紀香港西人群體研究:愉寧堂的演變〉,載劉義章、黃文江合編《香港社會與文化史論集》(香港:香港中文大學聯合書院,2002),第37-56頁;“The Use of Sinology in the Nineteenth Century: Two Perspectives Revealed in the History of Hong Kong,” in Pui-tak Lee ed., Colonial Hong Kong and Modern China: Interaction and Reintegration (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2005), pp. 135-154。




