波蘭屈羅芝華夫市集廣場 Market Square of Wrocław Poland


市集廣場(波蘭文 Rynek)是波蘭西南部核屈羅芝華夫市的中世紀市集廣場。

舊市政廳(Stary Ratusz)是一座宏偉的建築,花了將近兩個世紀(1327-1504)完成,擁有哥德式和文藝復興風格的建築。


The Market Square (Rynek in Polish) is a medieval market square in Wrocław (pronounced Vrots-wahf), in southwestern Poland.

The Old Town Hall (Stary Ratusz) is a grand edifice that took almost two centuries (1327-1504) to complete, with Gothic and Renaissance style architecture.

The Square is lined with elegant and colourful townhouses.

楊必興 P H Yang