油麻地天后廟 Yaumatei Tin Hau Temple

紅牆綠瓦繞驪山。   宋 | 江城子(晁補之)

油麻地天后廟建築群的屋頂,該繁忙的社區曾經位於海傍。儘管填海後它不再在海岸上,但是漁民仍然蜂擁而至, 參拜保佑漁夫的天后海洋女神。這座天后廟是一座法定古蹟。

The rooftop of the Tin Hau Temple complex in the bustling Yau Ma Tei area, a community that was once on the harbour front. Although land reclamation means it’s no longer on the shore, fishermen still flock here to worship the Goddess of the Sea, Tin Hau. The temple is a Declared Monument.

楊必興 P H Yang