教育界抗白色恐怖 數千人中環集會 Thousands Rally in Central Against White Terror in Education

教協今晚7時在中環集會,有人舉Pepe公仔持「捍衛尊業 守護良知」牌,數千人到場,抗議教育局施壓威嚇教育界。




教協今晚在中環舉行教育界「無懼白色恐怖,堅守教師專業」集會。晚上7時,數千人逼滿中環愛丁堡廣場,有人豎立「Free HK(光復香港)」大型光牌。有人舉Pepe公仔持「捍衛尊業 守護良知」牌,數千人到場,抗議教育局施壓威嚇教育界。

The anti-extradition protests continued. About 80 teachers and teaching assistants were arrested in the past six months. The Education Bureau sent a letter to the schools last month, suggesting that the arrested and prosecuted teachers involved in riots should be suspended. Kevin Yeung, Secretary for Education, said in a recent media interview that if the school does not cooperate with the investigation of teachers, the Bureau had the right to cancel the principal’s qualification, which caused a backlash in the education sector.

Fung Wai-wah, President of the Hong Kong Professional Teachers’ Union (HKPTU), criticized the repeated pressure from the Education Bureau to intimidate the education sector and create white terror. A rally tonight was organised to show the government that the sector resists political interference and defends the professionalism of teachers. It also plans to launch a crowdfunding campaign to support suppressed teachers to counter unreasonable prosecution.

HKPTU’s Fung said that during the anti-extradition protests, the government ignored the public’s opinions with wrong assessments, aroused public indignation, and should correct its mistakes, but now it is doing the opposite – blaming general education, teacher remarks, impediments to university funding, and more. He criticized the repeated pressure from the Education Bureau to intimidate the education sector and create white terror, indicating that the sector would not be muffled, and rally to resist political interference and defend the teacher profession.

Tonight, HKPTU held a “Anti-White Terror in Education” rally in Central. At 7 pm, a large number of citizens filled the Edinburgh Place outside City Hall in Central. A large “Free HK” light panel was erected. A Pepe doll holding a plague “Defend our profession, Safeguard our conscience” was raised. Thousands arrived to protest against pressure from the Education Bureau to intimidate the education community.

楊必興 P H Yang