孫中山母親的墓穴坐落於飛鵝山東邊百花林,面向西貢匡湖居。話說在1907 年,孫中山推行革命,被清政府追捕,由於風聲太緊,孫母被迫一家人流落到當時英國統治的香港避難。
1892年7月,孫中山以首屆成績第一名畢業於香港華人西醫書院(College of Medicine for Chinese, Hong Kong,即現今為香港大學醫學院)。1911年10月1日辛亥革命,推翻滿清皇朝,創立中華民國。1940年4月,國民政府明令尊稱孫中山先生為「中華民國國父」。
The tomb of Sun Yat-sen’s mother is located in Pak Fa Lam on the east side of Kowloon Peak, facing Sai Kung Sea. It is said that in 1907, Sun Yat-sen, the revolutionary, was wanted by the Qing government. His mother was forced to live in refuge in Hong Kong under British rule at that time.
Due to her advanced age, she died at the age of 83 on 19 July 1910 and was buried in the same year. Another version was that she was buried in 1911, a hundred days before the revolution. It cannot be confirmed because there is no detailed explanation at the tomb.
In July 1892, Sun Yat-sen graduated from the College of Medicine for Chinese, Hong Kong (now known as the Medical College of the University of Hong Kong) scoring the first place among the first batch of graduates. On 1 October 1911, Sun started the revolution that overthrown the Qing Dynasty of the Manchu Empire and founded the Republic of China. In April 1940, the National Government honoured Sun Yat-sen as “the father of the Republic of China.”