大埔白鷺湖畔賞向日葵 Sunflowers at Egret Lake in Tai Po

陽春三月,大地回春,又到繁花綻放的季節。鄰近大埔白鷺湖畔 Billow 餐廳,設計為純白色的歐陸風格,附門前一片向日葵和鬱金香花圃,吸引不少市民來到欣賞打卡,景觀猶如置身在歐洲。


鄰近大埔白鷺湖畔 Billow 餐廳,設計為純白色的歐陸風格,附近種植了不少美花,包括門前一片向日葵和鬱金香花圃,吸引不少市民來到欣賞打卡,景觀猶如置身在歐洲。

Spring arrives in March. As earth rejuvenated, flowers bloom again. Recently, various flowers are blossoming around Egret Lake in Tai Po, offering a colourful display.

The lakeside Billow restaurant is designed in a pure white European style. The adjacent area has many beautiful flowers including a patch of sunflower field in front of the restaurant entrance and and tulips nearby, attracting a lot of people to take pictures and selfies. The splendid views makes one feels like being in Europe.

楊必興 P H Yang