城門水塘畔白千層 Paperbarks by Shing Mun Reservoir

夾道白千層,籠花似佛燈。脫皮身更健,落寞苦行僧。 (當代 | 吳銓高)



Before the government built the Shing Mun Reservoir in Tsuen Wan, the surrounding area was rich in pineapples. After the completion of the reservoir, it was called “Pineapple Dam” by the Hakka villagers at that time.  The Pineapple Dam Nature Education Trail has beautiful scenery, with many macaques, butterfly gardens, rocky streams, small waterfalls, many shades and gentle slopes. It is suitable for parent-child hiking in all seasons.

There are many Melaleuca trees, akah Paperbarks, by the reservoir, and other trees grow along the banks. Their thick and strong roots can make people feel the vitality. The Melaleuca bark is grayish-white, resembling a lamellae, and it peels by layers, so it is called Paperbark.

楊必興 P H Yang