香港人少有留意美國的財政預算案,星期一公布的A Budget for a Better America:Promises Kept. Taxpayers First絕對值得一讀。面對政府赤字屢創新高,總統特朗普今屆預算案的主調是削減政府開支。除了節流,預算案還提到一項開源措施:
“The Budget includes a new user fee on e-cigarettes and other electronic nicotine delivery system products and proposes new FDA authority to collect user fees in support of its regulatory oversight of new tobacco and nicotine related products in the future as appropriate. The proposal would amend current law to add e-cigarette manufacturers and importers to a list of product categories subject to the user fee. The FDA’s annual user fee cap of $712 million would be increased by $100 million and future collections of all tobacco related products would be indexed to inflation. This proposal would ensure that FDA has the resources to address today’s alarming rise in youth e-cigarette use as well as new public health threats of tomorrow. New tobacco or nicotine products that are regulated by FDA should also pay a user fee, just as other tobacco related products that are subject to FDA’s user fee.
理性看待電子煙及加熱煙等新型吸煙產品,是美國的控煙態度。煙商、市民、政府都想藉新科技產品改善吸煙帶來的問題。早前在《南華早報》亦見到英國控煙團體Action on Smoking and Health前負責人撰文,指責香港政府全禁所有新型吸煙產品做法有違保障公共衛生目標。香港的控煙團體,卻不務正業只管妖魔化煙商。說過了,英國最新的隨機實驗研究A Randomized Trial of E-Cigarettes versus Nicotine-Replacement Therapy發現,電子煙比尼古丁取代療法更有效幫助煙民戒煙。香港政府及反煙團體到今天卻仍以「現時亦未有足夠證據證明這些產品能幫助戒煙」為藉口自說自話,無疑是剝削煙民選擇較安全的替代品戒煙的權利,苦了煙民,又苦了二手煙民,更苦了公共衛生,何苦呢?