印度德里渣瑪清真寺的孩子們 Kids at Jama Masjid of Delhi in India


孩子們喜歡在印度最大的舊德里大清真寺渣瑪清真寺(Jama Masjid)的中庭裏嬉戲,該清真寺可容納25000名奉獻者。

沙賈汗皇帝(Shah Jahan)建寺於1656年,他是建造泰姬陵和紅堡的穆格皇帝。


Kids like to frolick at the courtyard of Jama Masjid, the great mosque of Old Delhi which is the largest in India, capable of holding 25,000 devotees.

Completed in 1656, it is the final architectural extravagance of Shah Jahan, the Mughal emperor who built the Taj Mahal and the Red Fort.

The highly decorative mosque has three great gates, four towers and two 40m-high minarets constructed of strips of red sandstone and white marble.

楊必興 P H Yang