





1.  信心:西方對中俄瘋狂制裁,已失可靠性;
2.  技能:上市的操作已非神秘,各地可仿效;
3.  盈利:企業所處環境具前景,魅力可投資。





鎳、鈷和錳搖身一變成為現代新電池必須元素──高鎳三元電池(High Nickel Ternary Battery),鎳的比重更由50%增加至80%,這種電池發展正以每年11.1%速度增長(註5),高容量、輕重量、低成本,已成為環保電動車的重要組件。





  1. 2013年10月習近平主席在訪問印尼提出了共建「21世紀海上絲綢之路」倡議,翌年的2014年6月印尼總統佐科宣誓就任後也提出了「全球海洋支點」戰略,五大支柱包括(一)提升海洋意識、(二)發展海洋經濟、(三)加強海上聯通、(四)推進海洋外交和(五)強化海上防務。
  2. 2022年十大IPO排名:1. 南韓($107億) 、2. 德國($87億)、3. 阿聯酋($61億)、4. 印度($27億)、5. 阿聯酋($20億)、6. 阿聯酋($18億)、7. 美國($17億)、8. 中國($16億)、9. 中國($16億)、10. 中國($16億)。
  3. 2023年十大IPO排名:1. 中國深圳($47億,22%)、2. 中國上海($43億,20%)、3. 阿布達比($30億,14%)、4. 美國納斯達克($21億,9.8%)、5. 印尼($18億,8.5%)、6. 中國香港($17億,7.9%)、7. 日本($16億,1.4%)、8. 中國北京($14億)、9. 意大利($13億)。
  4. 「維多多政府主持修建了16座機場、18個港口、38座水壩和近2000公里的高速公路。相比之下,在他上任前的40年裏,印尼總共只有約780公里的公路。」安邦智庫2022年10月25日的《每日經濟》,〈印尼的發展潛力值得重視〉
  5. “The High Nickel Ternary Battery market is expected to grow annually by 11.1% (CAGR 2023 – 2030)”, Market Watch, High Nickel Ternary Battery Market Research 2023-2030, 13 June 2023.
  6. 「報告披露美國中央情報局(CIA)在全球各地策劃組織實施大量「顏色革命」事件的主要技術手段,其中包括一款被稱為『蜂擁』的非傳統政權更迭技術,用於推動通過互聯網連接的年輕人加入「『一槍換一個地方』的流動性抗議活動」,中國國家電腦病毒應急處理中心(CVERC)發布《「駭客帝國」調查報告──美國中央情報局(CIA)》,2023年5月4日。
  7. 「各方一致認為,維護國家安全、政治穩定和憲法制度意義重大,堅決反對破壞合法政權和策動顏色革命」,《中國—中亞峰會西安宣言》2023年5月19日 。

Indonesia: A prospect not to be ignored

After Indonesian President Joko Widodo came to power in 2014, he proposed the Global Ocean Fulcrum strategy with five main pillars. One of which is cooperating with other radiating regions with Indonesia as the centre, integrating into international development and connecting with related needs, so as to achieve today’s remarkable achievements. However, will the long-term development be smooth sailing?

Indonesian Exchange Breaks into the Leaderboard

Progress in traditional financial centers has been lackluster. Of the top ten IPOs (initial public offerings) last year, aside from one in the US and one in Europe, the rest are all in Asia. The major new players – China and the Middle East – both radiate from Indonesia, the center of the ocean.

Looking at the ranking list in the first quarter of this year, Indonesia became a blockbuster and jumped into the top five. One of the main reasons for this is that Indonesia helps “the east rise and the west fall”. In the past, both investors and financiers took advantage of political stability and free capital movement to gather in financial centers. The world today has changed:

1. Trust: The West has crazily sanctioned China and Russia, losing reliability;
2. Skills: The listing operation is no longer mysterious and can be imitated everywhere;
3. Prosperity: The environment in which businesses operates is promising and attractive for investment.

The outlook for Indonesian enterprises is undoubtedly bright. Under the Global Ocean Fulcrum strategy, the infrastructure (third pillar) of resource-rich countries has been greatly improved. During the nine years of Jokowi’s administration, the government built a large number of airports, ports and highways. [Note 1] Without this kind of long-term investment, how can neighboring countries efficiently connect with the Belt and Road Initiative, transport goods to all parts of the world, and earn foreign exchange?

Indonesia’s mineral resources sell well internationally

Indonesia is a resource-rich “Tropical Treasure Island”. A variety of agricultural products rank among the top ten in the world, especially remarkable in its palm oil production. It supplies energy like oil and natural gas, and is the largest exporter of thermal coal. It is also rich in different important minerals. The supply of rare metal nickel ore and cobalt mine ranks first and third in the world, with their production ranking as the world’s first and second respectively, and the outputs are the champion and the runner-up respectively.

Nickel, cobalt, and manganese have been transformed into essential elements of a new type of modern battery – High Nickel Ternary Battery. The proportion of nickel has increased from 50% to 80%. This kind of battery, which is growing at an annual rate of 11.1% [Note 2], has a large capacity, is light weight and low cost, making it an important part of environmentally friendly electric vehicles.

Indonesia plays a leading role with power of Midas touch. The government is well aware of the advantages of attracting Chinese investment and using their relatively advanced processing technology to enhance the charm of its industry. Just like how a good meal does not require a sophisticated kitchen when the chef has the best ingredients in hand, Indonesia has its own advantages in becoming one of the world’s newly established financial centre. As a lighthouse on the sea, Indonesia shines bright light to the world.

All in all, the contributions of this term of government are obvious to all. The economy has improved and people’s livelihood has benefited, but impressive achievements will always arouse envy. Nothing is perfect in the world.  Overseas organizations, with slogans of human rights and corporate responsibility, exaggerate the disadvantages of the mining industry, and such messages can be found on public websites in more than ten languages.  These colour revolutions have been debunked internationally [Note 3], and some joint statements by developing countries also pointed to its plot [Note 4]. If its infiltration and destruction cannot be contained, it is difficult to consolidate investor confidence, and the road to the financial market is still bumpy.

