Fri Jan 03 2025 23:59:59

公共醫生協會強烈譴責警方 蓄意射傷市民如行刑 Public Doctors Assn Strongly Condemns Police for Shooting Citizens Execution Style




協會指出,前線警員對市民、記者、醫護人員懷有敵意,毫不尊重香港市民的示威和基本權利,警方高層不但沒檢討,仍多次替其過失辯解,行為敗盡警隊多年來建立的專業形象,不但令更多香港市民蒙受不必要的傷害,將香港警察推到市民的對立面, 更嚴重損害香港的國際形象。

英國外交大臣Dominic Raab在一份聲明中說:「雖然使用暴力沒有任何藉口,但使用實彈卻不成比例,只會加劇局勢。」

The Hong Kong Public Doctors Association strongly condemns the Hong Kong police for using excessive force to clear and shooting protesters. That is deliberately shooting the public and criticizing the police officers for choosing a more lethal pistol to injure the left chest. The act is basically the same as an execution.

The association said in a statement that at 4 o’clock in the afternoon, during the clearance of the Tsuen Wan, a police officer armed with a beanbag gun and a pistol shot a Form 5 student at a close range, and prevented others from helping. The relevant behavior seriously exceeded the level of force that the police should use. The police said on social media that the person was injured near the shoulder, instead of being injured in the left chest, seriously distorting the facts.

The Association pointed out that frontline police officers are hostile to the citizens, journalists and medical staff, and do not respect the demonstrations and basic rights of the people of Hong Kong. The police high-level officials have not only failed to review them, but have repeatedly defended their faults. The actions have ruined the professional image of police built up from many years. It not only causes more people in Hong Kong to suffer unnecessary harm, but also pushes the Hong Kong police against the public and seriously damages Hong Kong’s international image.

UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said in a statement: “Whilst there is no excuse for violence, the use of live ammunition is disproportionate, and only risks inflaming the situation.”

楊必興 P H Yang