座落在元朗逢吉鄉的上將府, 由民初軍閥沈鴻英所興建。沈鴻英曾參與推翻滿清革命,但亦多次在廣西擁兵自重。1925年,沈鴻英在桂林被李宗仁打敗,繼而逃走至香港。
沈氏族人最後定居錦田,在沙埔以北建立逢吉鄉,並在此興建大宅「上將府 」。上將府中間為大宅,而左右兩側分別為沈氏宗祠及協威樓,門樓上題有「鎮南堂 」。
The General’s Mansion (Sheung Cheung Fu), located in Fung Kat Heung, Kam Tin, Yuen Long, was built by the warlord Shum Hung-ying in the early Republic of China. Shum Hung-ying had participated in the revolution to overthrow the Manchu of Ching Dynasty, but he also became a warlord in Guangxi many times. In 1925, Shum was defeated by Li Chung-yan in Guilin, and then fled to Hong Kong. The Shum clan finally settled in Kam Tin, established Fung Kat Heung (Village), and built the “General’s Mansion” there.
The main building is in the middle of the General’s Mansion, while the left and right sides are the Shum Clan Ancestral Hall and the Hip Wai House. The gate is entitled “Chun Nam Hall” (Hall that make the South tremble).