【抗爭重燃】母親節尖沙咀行街 被數百防暴警驅散 [We’re Back] “Mother’s Day Stroll” Protest in Tsimshatsui Disrupted by Riot Police



下午2時,逾百人在尖沙咀鐘樓聚集。高舉「光復香港 時代革命」黑旗並高唱「願榮光歸香港」,展示對抗爭「五大訴求 缺一不可」熱情未減。


下午3時,抗爭者轉至海港城,繼續高叫「光復香港 時代革命」,唱《願榮光歸香港》,警察緊隨其後,但在海港城的玻璃門前停止。

[We’re Back] “Mother’s Day Stroll” Protest in Tsimshatsui Disrupted by Riot Police

As the coronavirus epidemic eased, Hong Kong people continued to fight, insisting on “5 Demands, Not One Less”. Earlier, many districts launched various “Sing with You” action to continue the fight peacefully, but they were repeatedly suppressed by the police through social distancing rules. Undaunted, netizens launch “Mother’s Day Stroll” action in Tsimshatsui today, calling to “Restart Hong Kong, Protesters to Regroup”. The protests that have been subdued for months is re-activated.

At 2 pm, over 100 gathered at the Tsimshatsui Clock Tower, raising the black flag of “Free Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Time”‘ singing “Glory to Hong Kong”, demonstrating that the enthusiasm of the “5 Demands, Not One Less” is unabated.

Hundreds of riot police enterered, cordoned off the area around the Clock Tower and dispersed the crowd. A lady offered a rose to the riot police for peaceful strolling and was ignored.

At 3 pm, protesters moved to Harbour City and continued to chant “Free Hong Kong, singing “Glory to Hong Kong”. Police followed but stopped at the entrance glass doors of Harbour City.

楊必興 P H Yang