「和你唱」抗爭再現IFC 被逾百警中斷  “Sing with You” Reactivated at IFC Interupted by Over 100 Police

冠狀疫情持續多月,面對北京趁勢全方位打壓,破壞一國兩制。已沉寂數月的抗爭活動被激活。繼周五中環快閃IFC,周日太古城和你唱後,今晚第三波 IFC「和你唱」抗爭再起,被逾百警中斷。


有網民今晚發起在有香港地標之稱的國際金融中心商場(IFC Mall)「和你唱」,希望以行動展現決心,堅守訴求,願榮光歸香港。

晚上6:15,數百人在中環IFC中庭共三層聚集,高舉「光復香港 時代革命」黑旗及殖民地時代旗幟,並高唱《願榮光歸香港》,展示對抗爭「五大訴求 缺一不可」熱情未減。


With coronavirus pandemic continuing for a few months, the anti-extradition protests have been subdued. In the face of inadequate epidemic prevention and control by the Carrie Lam government, plus Beijing’s full-blown attack on Hong Kong’s legislative, judicial, legal and civil society – threatening “One Country, Two Systems”, the protests have been reactivated. Following Friday’s Central Flashmob at IFC, Sing with You at Citiplaza on Sunday, the third wave of protests has revived.

Netizens initiated the “Sing with You” flashmob at IFC, the landmark of Hong Kong, tonight, to demonstrate their determination with their demands.

At 6:15 pm, about 100 protesters started gathering at all three levels of IFC atrium in Central. They raised the black flags “Free Hong, Revolution of Our Time”, colonial Hong Kong flag and sang “Glory to Hong Kong”, demonstrating they are resolute in “5 Demands, Not One Less” in their protest.

At 6:25 pm, even before the scheduled protest start time, hundreds of police entered IFC and interupted the protest. Police cordoned off the atrium area and dispersed the protesters and shoppers. A few protesters were rounded up for ID checking and questioning. The number of police is more than the number of protesters, shopping citizens and journalists combined, totally out of proportion.

楊必興 P H Yang