黃國才道:當飛行服務隊帶着共產黨佔領國的旗幟飛過,我們的黑旗在空中飄揚。7月1日主權移交其實沒有什麼值得慶祝,從七警、銅鑼灣書店事件、到香港人為爭取自由自殺,實在太多太多荒謬事件了,證明這個城市在中共綁架之下正慢慢步向死亡,我的七一大遊行作品是一面黑旗, 它象徵哀悼、殤痛、反抗、力量等概念去悼念這個正步向死亡的城市,也同時表達「不自由,毋寧死」(Viurem lliures o morirem)的反抗精神。
Visual artist Kacey Wong marched on 1st July with a huge black flag, symbolising ‘Give me liberty or give me death’.
Wong says: When the helicopters carrying the Communist occupiers flags, our black flags are flying in the air. There are really nothing worth celebrating on the July 1st change of sovereignty in Hong Kong, from the abusive 7 Hong Kong Police incident to the booksellers kidnapping incidents, to the recent 3 Hong Kong citizens suiciding for freedom. There are just too much absurdity, proving this city is slowly heading towards death being kidnapped by the Chinese Communist Party. My art work for this year’s Hong Kong July 1st Protest is a black flag. It symbolises mourning, pain, resistance, and the power to mourn this dying city. It also express the resistance spirit of ‘Live Free or Die’ (Viurem lliures o morirem).