著名的鴿子廣場(Bascarsija,土耳其文為主市場), 白天都有數百隻鴿子徘徊,是舊薩拉熱窩的心臟。
薩拉熱窩被顛納力阿爾卑斯山(Dinaric Alps)所環繞,沿着妙哈卡河 (Miljacka River)而建,是波斯尼亞和黑塞哥維那的首都和最大城市,人口275524。
The famous Pigeon Square (Bascarsija, meaning main market in Turkish) where hundreds of pigeons linger by day is the very heart of the old Sarajevo.
Surrounded by the Dinaric Alps and situated along the Miljacka River, Sarajevo is the capital and largest city of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with a population of 275,524.