晚上6時許,數百公務員及市民在公民廣場外聚集,站滿行人路,部分人要在企出添美道馬路。抗爭者陳伯亦有到場,高舉「向醫護致敬 要真封關 全民抗疫要自救」的橫幅及高叫口號。
新公務員工會主席顏武周認為,過去政府一直漠視前線公務員工作,口罩及防疫裝備均不足。他又不點名指,早前有人參選立法會但不成功,唯他當時叫的口號,現時全港都在叫,現場隨即大叫「光復香港 時代革命」等口號。
Coronavirus raged in Hong Kong, but the distribution by the government of epidemic prevention gear caused a lot of criticism in all sectors of the society. The medical and firefighting staff at the forefront of the epidemic are inadequately geared compared with the policemen who are only guarding nearby. The new Union for Civil Servants rally was launched tonight outside the Admiralty Civic Square to express their dissatisfaction with the government’s anti-epidemic policy and to cheer the frontline medical team.
At about 6 pm, hundreds of civil servants and citizens gathered outside the Civic Square, flooding the pedestrian pavement. Some overflowed to Tim Mei Avenue. Protester Uncle Chan was also present, holding a banner “Salute to medical staff, Really seal off the border, Help ourselves in fighting epidemic”, and chantted a few slogans.
Ngan Mo-chow, chairman of the new Union for Civil Servants, believes that in the past, the government has ignored the work of frontline civil servants, and masks and epidemic prevention gear is inadequate. He said that someone who had failed to run for the Legislative Council earlier. But the slogan he used at that time is now being repeated frequently in Hong Kong. The crowd responded “Free Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Time.”
20-30 police officers were deployed on the flyover to record and observe.