數百上班族中環快閃 抗議警方打壓集會自由 Hundreds in Central Flashmob to Protest Limiting Freedom of Assembly

今日逾百市民及上班族在中環置地廣場中庭「和你Lunch(午餐)」活動, 抗議昨日腰斬「天下制裁」合法集會,警察橫行濫捕濫權,不能忍,不能慣,不能忘。有人揮動「光復香港 時代革命」黑旗。

有市民發起今日繼續在中環午膳時間「和你Lunch(午餐)」活動, 抗議暴政打壓集會自由,警察橫行濫捕濫權,不能忍,不能慣,不能忘。


中午1時開始,數百市民及上班族在中環畢打街置地廣場中庭及二、三層騎樓聚集,大呼「五大訴求,缺一不可」。有人揮動「光復香港 時代革命」黑旗。展示「Free HK (光復香港)」光牌。市民高呼「解散警隊 刻不容缓」等口號。

Netizens have launched a “Lunch with You” flashmob during lunchtime in Central today to protest against the government limiting freedom of assembly and condonung police brutality and arbitrary arrests. “We can’t tolerate, we can’t accept and we can’t forget this”.

Yesterday, the lawful “Global Sanctions” rally at Chater Garden was cut off by the police followed by tear gas rounds and large-scale raids in less than two hours after kick-off. The public is very angry.

Starting at 1 pm, hundreds of citizens and office workers gathered in the atrium and balconies of the second and third floor of Landmark in Pedder Street, Central, chanting, “5 Demands, Not One Less.” A black flag of “Free Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Time” was waved and a “Free HK” light panel was displayed. Citizens chanted slogans such as “Disband the police force without delay.”

楊必興 P H Yang