全球反極權大遊行 無懼警方催淚彈 Global Anti-authoritarian March Undaunted by Police Tear Gas

與全球24個國家65個城市連線的全球反極權遊行,今午2時半於銅鑼灣崇光百貨公司集合,遊行至政府總部。警方無故逮捕幾名年青人,憤怒市民要求警方釋放。 警察至少發射了8-10個催淚彈,以驅散人群。

由網民發起,與全球24個國家65個城市連線的全球反極權遊行,今午2時半於銅鑼灣崇光百貨公司集合,3時起歩遊行至政府總部。發起人指,中共極權不停打壓香港,情況嚴重,已與當年納粹無異,並威脅全世界,因此希望世界各國正視。至於今次遊行,主辦方未有申請不反對通知書, 因為他們指和平集會及遊行是公民的自由權利,受香港特區《 基本法》和《人權法》保障,故認為無需不反對通知書。

網民發表「抗爭者敬告全球人民書」, 指出若自由世界不正視中共威脅,必將釀成人類之禍。人民書續指,中共政權脅持「中華」概念,圖謀情感勒索世界華人,侵略世界之手段實屬史無前例。香港作為中國境內僅餘的自由堡壘,拒絕淪陷「中共模式」的鐵幕之後,只能義無反顧地走上抗爭之路。

下午1時開始,銅鑼灣東角道崇光百貨公司附近街道已滿街人潮。 警方無故逮捕了幾名年青人,憤怒的市民要求警方釋放他們。警察至少發射了8-10個催淚彈,以驅散人群。

下午3時10分,成千上萬的示威者仍然繼續參加此次全球遊行, 無懼警方催淚彈打壓。

Global Anti-authoritarian March Undaunted by Police Tear Gas

Launched by netizens, the global anti-authoritarian march linked up with 65 cities in 24 countries around the world. People gathered at Sogo Department Store in Causeway Bay at 2:30 pm and marched to the government headquarters at 3 pm.

The organisers pointed out that the totalitarian power of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) kept suppressing Hong Kong. The situation is serious. It is similar to the Nazis and threatened the whole world. Therefore, they hope that all countries in the world will recognise that. The organizers did not apply for a no-objection notice because they said that peaceful assembly and procession are citizens’  rights. They are protected by the Basic Law and the Human Rights Laws.

Netizens published the “Open Letter to People of the World by the Protesters” and pointed out that if the free world does not face the threat of the CCP, it will surely become a disaster for mankind. The Chinese Communist regime used Chinese nationalism to blackmail the world’s Chinese people and infiltration against the world is unprecedented. As the only place with freedom in China, Hong Kong refused to sink under the iron curtain of the “China model” and can only take the road of resistance without hesitation.

Starting at 1 pm, the streets near Sogo Department Store in East Point Road, Causeway Bay were flooded with people overflowing into the neighbouring streets.

Police took a few young men for no apparent reason and was demanded by angry citizens to release them. Police Fired at least 8-10 tear gas canisters to disperse the crowd.

Thousands join the Global March at 3:10 pm undaunted by the Police tear gas action.

楊必興 P H Yang